Response to Email and Facebook Comments

11/16/20211 min read

Changing the World is Not all Drudery

Harness the power of social media, t U rexall being poltically active and working to ... do someting in polticxs. Ir was kind of gun. There were meetins and we did get things done and we had an impact. TThere is a soical aspectd to it also. SAgterall yo will be meetin and netwroking with pope who m wioth whmom you share and interst. trying to

Qualitty of LIfe no Matter Our income

Moeny is not the only yard stick for success. I feel a person who has it all toghe is doing well also. Antoher sperson doing well is the person who really knows his tcradt be it a perofession or a traade. I have seen these two typws mix on wekend and pwpolke have someting in common if they are reallly skillsed and lnwoegeabe.You dont have to be a rocet scient to get reparect.

Qualitty of LIfe no Matter Our income

Moeny is not the only yard stick for success. I feel a person who has it all toghe is doing well also. Antoher sperson doing well is the person who really knows his tcradt be it a perofession or a traade. I have seen these two typws mix on wekend and pwpolke have someting in common if they are reallly skillsed and lnwoegeabe.You dont have to be a rocet scient to get reparect.