Book Talk
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What do 'we' want society to look like?

What are the Basics?

I advocate that all people living on this planet should be afforded the basics requirements for living. This would include clean water to drink. It would include sufficient food to eat. It would include a shelter to protect them from the climate and to provide a sanctuary. It would include clothing to protect people from the elements. It would include healthcare so they are well and they do not spread diseases. It would include the full and complete world citizenship so that they are privileged citizens with all the rights and freedoms enjoyed by other citizens with none above them and none below them.

New Goals for a Focused Society

Primary Goals in The Book:

Ending poverty, hunger, and war
Ending human violence and exploitation
Building a worldwide middle class
Establish consumer and worker

... and culturally organize society within civility, the common good, and for human progress.

The Basic Goals

The major changes in our society, starting with economics changes, are:

1- A living wage with disposable income at three times the poverty level

2- Caps on interest rates at 4 percent for home and 5 percent for installment loans

3- Product guarantees for quality and satisfaction
universal healthcare for those wo want it

4- A flat tax for revenue collection
No increase in taxes for the middle class
caps on the total tax burden

5- A wealth tax to help those who struggle.

6- Election changes


7- Freezing the borders

8- Demilitarization

9- A ban on WMDs

10- A system of checks and balances to limit nations from engaging in armed conflicts.

11- Software programs that will enable people to communicate directly with one another across the world and much more....

The Nature of Modern Work continuing the discussion..

If you want to look at defect human behavior look no further than the US military and more probably any military for that matter. They say they take new soldiers in and tear them down to nothing. Then they rebuild them onto the people they want and need them to be. They build people who will follow orders. I suppose they build them in people who would kill people they do not know all in the name of country. Presumably the other side has done similarly and so we have two groups, or more, who are willing to kill people on site and in mass. Thus we have war.

Also in the military are levels of command. Soldiers take orders from above and more than occasionally they take abuse to let them know they are subordinates. This unnecessary for the structure. It is just part of nature integrating into the military. This environment alone is enough for me to advocate terminating the entire military organization and starting over with how we defend our nations, and others, for security.

Off the cuff...

The military should be like all other work. People should be free to leave it at any time it is not in their interests to stay. That would end the abuse almost immediately. Also it would end the notion of invading a place when it is being done for something than the national interest. If the soldiers were not convinced it was not a worthy venture to go and fight they should not be compelled to go fight. This must become a world wide rule.

Working in corporate America is not that different. Employees supplement their interest for the interest of the corporation. In return they are paid a weekly fee until they no longer needed. This is in place of working together toward a common goal for the mutual benefit of all and for the direct benefits of each person. Then in the end all members share in the ownership of what they created. Each person brings something of value to the effort and that value is still there in the capitalist system after they corporation terminates the employee. So all corporate work should be with work partnerships.