Jim Davis, Author
The latest book, "The Handbook for Political and Cultural Change" lists my proposals in the brief style that many people have requested. The "Paradise" book spells out the ideals in a longer form and with more background. 'The Political Handbook' has ideas and ideals on the progressive side which has left out of the discussion lately. The Handbook will certainly get the politically interested person thinking about the possibilities for a new and better world. It has something for everyone, even conservatives.
My writings center on what I call a 'trilogy of ideals' for human advancement that I collectively call "Jimism." The "Paradise" book along with other previous writings cover the common good and the common benefit by centering on change in American political and economic policies in terms of fairness, equity, and developing a vibrant middle class. The Political Handbook is a more cryptic book listing many proposals and ideals to bring forth the human progress discussed in the Paradise book and more. One day I will publish my last book in the series that focuses on the individual self improvement.